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Marketing Plan Guide
Group gathered around a table with brand colors and marketing deas laid out

A well-designed marketing plan can help you raise awareness of your business, attract more customers and boost sales.


Step 1: Review the Market


Your introductory section will contain:

  • description of your business - What products or services do you offer?
  • description of your market or business environment:
    • 你的目标市场中是否存在服务不足的部分?你的产品或服务能否填补这一空白? 如果是这样的话, 写一个简短的解释这个市场是什么样的,以及你的产品将如何得到消费者的注意.
    • Does the market want or value your service or product? 为什么?
    • 在你的目标市场上,你的产品或服务能赚到足够的钱吗?
    • How much of a profit will you need to make for your business to pay off?
  • Does your business benefit from any distinct marketing 优势?
    • Is your product or service already well known?
    • Do you have high customer loyalty?
    • Do the local trade organizations endorse your product?
  • 的 marketing challenges 你的脸:
    • Do you lack brand recognition?
    • Do you face a limited budget?
  • 当前的 location of your competition:
    • Does the competition within this market leave room for you to be competitive?
    • Is your geographic location a positive or a negative?
  • 你是什么? competition’s weaknesses? How can you use those weaknesses to your advantage?
    • 你的竞争对手未能提供灵活的服务,这可能是你可以利用的一个领域.
    • Does the competition ignore the local market?
  • Are there any foreseeable outside influences 你的事?
    • Have laws or statutes related to your business been changed?
    • Will future area construction affect your current traffic patterns?

Step 2: Overview of Your Target Customer

您的计划必须包含有关您的客户(现有客户或潜在客户)的一些信息。. Your overview should examine:

  • 他们是谁?
  • 他们想要什么??
  • What motivates them to buy?

在这里, you can include a simple list of information about your customer, 一些基本的人口统计信息和一些与你的产品相关的更详细的信息, 如:

  • 年龄
  • 性别
  • Any buying characteristics?
  • How does my customer normally purchase similar products?
  • Who’s the decision maker or primary buyer?
  • 你的目标客户购买的动机是什么(他们想看起来漂亮吗?, learn to save money, 增加健康, 等.)?
  • What kind of habits does your customer have, specifically where do they get their information (magazines, 贸易展览, 报纸, 网络, 等.)?
  • Do you have a niche that you are trying to target or appeal to?
  • 是否有统一的标准(他们都是律师、会计师、美发师等).)?
  • 任何细节(i).e., only estate attorneys)?

Step 3: Your Business Goals

简单地列出公司来年的目标:市场和销售目标. It’s important to put your goals down on paper. 确保你的业务中包含了可以跟踪的元素,这样你就可以衡量你的进展.

Your goals should be:

  • 明智的
  • 可衡量的
  • 可实现的
  • 现实的
  • 具体的时间

例如,“增加会计软件的销售”的目标不是非常具体或可衡量的. 但是,“在未来12个月内将会计软件的销售额增加20%”的目标则更为具体和可衡量.

你的目标部分应该包括你的业务销售目标, goals for your marketing efforts as well as plans for future growth.

Step 4: Your Strategies and Tactics

This section is the heart of your marketing plan. It details what your marketing message is, what you plan to do to market your materials, 你计划如何实现你的营销目标,你将使用什么策略来实现这些目标.

你的营销信息决定了你想要如何向客户传达你的信息. What story about your business do you want to tell? 在这里 are some of the key points to include in your strategy:

  • What it is that you do?
  • What’s special about your customer?
  • How do you perceive your potential customer’s problems?
  • Are these problems critical to your customer, if so how? How can you solve these problems?
  • 客户将从你的产品或服务中得到什么好处?
  • Do you have testimonials from customers about your products or services?
  • 关于贵公司商品或服务的定价结构,您能提供哪些细节?
  • What kind of guarantee are you willing to offer customers?

你的策略是你用来告诉你的客户你的业务和产品的手段. 你的战术计划将包括实现目标所需要采取的所有步骤. Are you planning to advertise in a particular way? Will you be attending 贸易展览? Do you plan to offer a special promotion? Your tactics need to be carefully spelled out, with dates and actions associated with them, and what tools you’ll use to reach your customer.

你的策略将包括你将用来向客户传递信息的实际元素. 当然, 你想使用一种方法,将给你的营销美元的最高回报. 你将使用能够让你站在目标客户或利基市场前面的策略.

你所使用的工具或媒介应该是市场、信息和媒介的正确组合. 例如, 如果你在推销你的瑜伽健身中心和铁人三项训练的好处, you wouldn’t place an ad in a magazine targeted at senior citizens.

Some of the tools you may choose to use are:

  • 传单
  • 宣传册
  • 名片
  • 礼券
  • 目录
  • 海报
  • 明信片
  • 门衣架
  • 时事通讯
  • 横幅
  • 迹象
  • 橱窗展示
  • 广告牌
  • 报纸广告
  • 电视广告
  • 商业信息广告
  • 电台广告
  • 杂志广告
  • 电影广告
  • 文章
  • 销售信
  • 媒体发布
  • 贸易展览
  • 公众演讲
  • 社交媒体
  • Online Advertising
  • 慈善活动
  • 网络
  • 竞赛
  • 研讨会
  • 抽奖
  • 特别活动
  • 代理
  • 口碑
  • 分类广告
  • 黄页
  • 挨家挨户的
  • 网站
  • 电子邮件

Step 5: Your Budget

你的计划的最后一部分将分解你的营销努力的预计费用. This section includes any estimated expenses for the creation, development and distribution of your materials. 你的预算计划应该包括原材料、印刷和邮资的估计采购成本. If you plan to take part in any 贸易展览, 你的旅行费用, 展位费用, setup costs plus any other particular expenses should be accounted for.

你通过简单地计算最初的营销费用来制定营销预算. Once you have that information down on paper, 你可以回去做更多的研究或添加更多的细节来进一步完善你的计算.

If your business has been running for a while, you know how much money your current sales are generating. 你可以使用这些信息来划分你过去的营销费用,并计算你的“营销成本”.它还会告诉你卖出一件产品的成本,或者获得一个客户的成本. If you haven’t been in business long, or are just starting out, 你可以把最初的销售目标作为制定营销预算的基础. 当然, you’ll have to revise these figures once you get actual sales.

Calculate Your Cost of Acquiring Each New Customer

1. 分发 ____________ ( 数量的促销努力) ________ ( 中)

2. At a total cost of $__________

3. Acquire ______ new customers as a result

4. 将花费的钱除以新客户的数量:$______除以_____ = $______

5. By using this media message to reach this target market, the cost to acquire 1 new customer is: $_______

6. 获得_____(目标)客户的预算是:____(客户)x $_______ ( 每用户成本 ) = $______________

After you have an estimate of the cost to sell an item or acquire a customer, 你会很好地了解你应该预算多少钱来增加你的销售额和实现你的销售目标.

Your plan should never be set in stone. 如果你改变了策略,你可以随时更新你的营销计划来反映这些变化.

一个可靠的,深思熟虑的营销计划将帮助你专注于你需要如何花费你的努力. It might take some work to find the initial information, but once you have a plan in place, you can invest your time, energy and motivation into making your business a success.


在这里's a highly effective 80/20 guideline you can use. 将80%的广告预算和精力投入到已证实有效的促销活动中,20%投入到测试新产品上. 即使在竞争激烈的市场中,大多数使用该系统的企业仍在继续增长.

Step 6: Your Resources

Determine who on your team will handle your planned marketing efforts. 如果你没有员工或内部知识,考虑雇佣供应商来帮助你. 

Consider including a 皇冠现金官网的导师 as part of your team. 你的导师可以回顾你的计划,帮助你发现你可能忽略的机会,或者帮助你找到解决困难挑战的方法.

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